But heres a bunch of reasons that in a few weeks time, I may come to miss it.
2 - It makes me think of the 'larger picture', rather than just my own needs. Helps me to put my existence in perspective
3 - Rowdy men on the street leave you alone, no wolf whistles or strange comments, sometimes they will be surprisingly respectful to you, holding doors open, etc.
4 - Because I have had severe nausea throughout this pregnancy my partner cooks every night, he has now become really good at cooking whereas before I couldn't trust him with a microwave.
5 - I did not suffer from stretchmarks nor did I get a Linea Alba, which I don't really like the look of. (some women do, I don't)
6 - Always having an unquestionable reason to get out of social arrangements if needed.
7 - Random chats with nostalgic middle age women about pregnancy in the supermarket.
8 - I have spent a lot of time reconnecting with my own Mother.
9 - My relationship has got much better, we communicate more efficiently, hardly argue and take things on the chin a lot more, again pregnancy has a way of making light of things which may have really knocked you down before.
10 - Sex is more intense when pregnant! It feels incredible!
[Picture left Die Hoffnung by Gustav Klimt (1903)]
I'm on baby number five at the moment and enjoying this pregnancy more than any of the others. It can be tough going but the sense of relief you (I) get after giving birth is so amazing that it's almost worth it! I'd love it if you'd join me on facebook at The Mummy Grapevine facebook.com/themummygrapevine