So I am 40 weeks and 4 days along and sadly enough, there's no real sign that it is coming to end soon.
Yesterday I saw my midwife who has booked me in for a 'plus 10' meeting, it's where I go into hospital 10 days from the day I was due, there we will arrange an appointment where there they will enduce me. - This was the one thing I didn't want to happen, besides being overdue that the sheer discomfort that comes with that, mentally I don't think it will be that great for me either. I hate the idea that I would know a day and time of which the baby will come, sounds strange but it fills me with anxiety, how would I ever sleep on the nights previous to the proceedure? [lord knows I have been having problems with as it is.
Adding to that anxiety are the other factors that come with being enduced. They usually last longer, cause more pain and have more risks involved. Now in the large scheme of things this bares no real weight as I don't know 'how much' pain I am going to expierience, as I am a first time mum. Also how does one quantify pain? I'm not sure, I suppose the more 'pain' the chance I will be using pain relief. This isn't something I am against, but it was something I was going to try with out.