I want to start making something for the new arrival but my knitting skills leave a lot to be desired. Something
fabricy and cosy, something for the cot or to be wrapped up . Saying that, I have always wanted a mobile of the solar system hung over the cot or something, the way I envisioned it, it would look amazing.
I am just fearful that whatever I make I am somehow constructing my child's identity absent
Ummm maybe because it is 'my child' I am over thinking the basic of tasks.

A couple of years ago I made an
embroidered baby-grow for my Godson, something like this is always nice to get everyone gooey and excited. But in our case, me and Richard do not want to know the sex until the child is born, not to mention we are not 100% on names as of yet. Also, things are always simpler for other people (and people's children!).

This is me and little Brodie in 2008, was just 11 days old when this was taken. Still as pink as a beetroot. Bless.
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