During my small time havin

g a visible baby bump, I have noted that the majority of men about town are very sweet to me. If not even a little too cautious when interacting publicly, around town, etc.
They become hyper-aware of their and your personal space, kindly open doors, and usually offer a shy smile. Sometimes the offer of a bus seat or park bench.
Women on the other hand, have not been so nice to me; I tend to get a lot of looks or cold stares when in crowded situations. Many push and walk into me whilst I waddle my way through the supermarket. I do not think this is anything to do with women being 'unkind' or judgemental, and the older the women tend to not do it all. I just think society has told women the woes of having a child young so many times that they automatically judge others.
Women cannot help but wonder how it would affect their life, whilst making smaller judgements about other young women. (I suppose it doesn't help matters that I look younger than I am, in any case, in an ideal world such things should not matter.)
I know that I, myself, have fallen guilty of this too. When browsing Facebook I find myself thinking 'She's 19 weeks pregnant,? ...but she can barely spell the word!'. - This I am not proud of. I should not judge others on choices or even
mistakes, especially when I am apart from their existence. Now, because of this, I do not take this issue with the people who have made me feel uncomfortable personally, nor do I hold any sort of grudge. I just honestly didn't see this coming. I knew there would be a few, but even without the cold stares there is the issue of careless invasion of space and potentially making me fall over, maybe even cry if I am in one of my moods!
Expecting a knowing smile I instead, have received cigarettes blown into face and not being able to walk at a slower pace without being knocked into.
However, there have been some inspirational women who have come out of nowhere, (usually when I walk alone, without my partner) who have given me advice on childbirth, pain relief, stretch marks and even how to bathe toddlers! - Such things offer a spring in my step, even if it is advice I see as unhelpful, it just makes me happy that there is this perpetual exchange between those who are about to embark on or have completed the initial stages of motherhood.
Continuing on in the same vein, I have heard whispers from acquaintances (not what I'd call friends) like 'I don't think she should be having a child yet', and 'How is she going to finish university?'.
Now, to question with concern is a fine thing to do, but idle gossip is something I have always found difficult not to challenge. Especially when it is again based on perceptions we have on other people's lives and personalities.
Lets be honest, there is never a 'good' time to have a child. There is never a
good time to take a year out of what we normally do. When comparing my life to others sometimes I wonder if I am in a good situation as I have no freelancing commitments to hold down, and other such grey area jobs that would not qualify for maternity leave/pay.
We can make improvements on our life before becoming a parent, but even in that case who is say that, that current existence is enough. I suppose the main issue in other peoples' eyes is whether they perceive the Mother as being 'mature enough' to be a reasonable parent/role model. Again, no-one can really gage this, unless it is completely obvious that the individual is in such a state that she'd cause harm to her child. Obviously, I am not in this position. In fact, I am in a wonderful considerate relationship, one where we have often spent afternoons blabbering about rearing children and so forth. Also, if I were to be in a un-desirable situation, who is to say my partner would not take the brunt of responsibilities.
A lot of thoughts surrounding this topic, but if you were to take one thing away from this post, please just give the pregnant women free rein in the supermarket, the lighting and the sheer amount of busy people in there do funny things to me in my current state, also if you don't get out of my way, you run the risk of getting puked on.