I think the first trimester is really difficult, not only has it been put on par with the third trimester for how annoying and tiresome it can be, you also can't really reap the benefits of being pregnant.
For my own reasons I won't tell any of my friends of my pregnancy until I have passed 12 weeks. We are all different, but, without an obvious bump on show and bags under the eyes it can just be such a drag. My friends are suspicious that I have been 'ill' for sometime.I think my housemate is already in the know as I have been vomiting and avoiding contact with the kitchen (I cant stand the smell of even the blandest of foods) for about 3/4 weeks now.
Some tips then:
Probably best not to blame it on a made up hangover. Something I did at first. Although the symptoms are in a way similar you dont want to give the wrong impression when you do give your good news.
Take as much time as you want in bed. The rest is good for your and your mood, also it is scientifically proven fatigue makes morning sickness worse. Don't make a difficult time worse out of guilt.
If you are sensitive to smells suggest a safe place to meet friends and the like, mine is the Chinese resturant, for some reason I find the soups and starters ease off the nausea. Something like an Italian or pub would make me gag and probably be sick, in front of my unsuspecting friends. Make a mental note of places that make you feel normal(ish).
Don't eat rich healthy foods out of guilt, you wont keep it down and you will tire and dehydrate yourself from vomiting.
If you are lucky enough to have a partner or pet, enjoy this time to snuggle and watch films you didn't have the time for before. Below is a couple of pics of our cat Moloko (sadly no longer with us.)
Use this time to plan your new hairstyle as you will have lovely new locks to play with. As hair is growing, fast!
Pampering is a great way to elevate nausea. I add 4 drops of Patchouli oil in the bath as I have found it really helps me out. (Or try another essential oil to your preference but do be careful, some oils are harmful when pregnant. There are numerous articles and guides about this topic, do check them out. Aromatherapy can help with lots of smallish health problems.)
I carry peppermint oil when I am going to have a long day working, it helps with the weighty feeling in my ankles and it feels really refreshing. I guess I will be doing this a lot more when summer hits!
Sip water every 15-20 minutes if you can't keep lots down, find a fluid which is right for you. Mine is plain sparkling water, probably not the best thing for gas and tummy aches but it does make me feel a wee bit better.
Consider telling a trusted member of staff about your morning sickness if it is bad, I did this when I worked in a cinema as the nacho cheese made me gag. They kept it a secret and I got to help out away from the food working with little children. Score.
If vomiting is more than you are keeping down go to a walk in clinic or emergency gynaecology unit, if your doctor says something along the lines of 'you aren't ill, you are pregnant' seek advice else where. Make sure you get the correct urine and blood tests if you are worried you are unable to keep any nutrients.
Next time, a write up about bowels. Yaay!
Mother’s Day gift edit
1 day ago