
A thought provoking and candid account of one woman's experiences of childbirth, and the idea of being 'womanlike'

"When I told people I didn't plan to breast-feed my daughter (I only told people who asked; I'm old-fashioned that way), I met a fair amount of incredulity. "But don't you want to give your child every possible advantage?" I was asked. Not really, I replied. This kid will be born white and middle class in America; she's already ahead of 95% of the rest of the world. Why does she need every advantage?"

- http://mcsweeneys.net/links/bitchslap/bitchslap10.html

1 comment:

  1. Hah! I like that quote!

    I think you're very brave doing the Mummy thing April. I'm older than you, married, have my own house etc and feel no where near ready to spawn!
    I know it's not really as simple as having all the other bits of your life in order and therefore being ready to have a child; it's hormones and nature and shit - but still, I admire people who dedicate themselves to their children. It's the ultimate responsiblity and I'm pretty sure I will never be responsible enough.

    Well done you! I hope it all goes excellent for you and that you get a house sorted soon!

