
27 weeks! Update!

I am 27 weeks! Not long to go now, this feels all the more real considering David Cameron had his baba today, me and his wife fell pregnant around the same time, so it is a little scary! - Horrifying Torie babies aside I shall update you on the pregnancy niggle front: the 'morning' sickness has pretty gone just gone, or has actually been left to just the morning, thank goodness. I now waddle rather than walk, and I eat all of the time.
Cravings are kicking in now, albeit them ever changing ones. The longest cravings I have had have been Spaghetti hoops and Aeros, not together, I don't really have any exciting stories on that front really. I usualy just prefer really starchy foods like potatos and bananas and insanely fruity drinks. Nothing really exciting like coal i'm afraid - unlike my friend who had a severe craving for bubble bath foam!
Regarding the hoops and chocolate, not sure what defiency that could be highlighting, if any... maybe its that I don't eat enough junk food and my baby is giving me a helping hand.

I had a scan last week where they told me I had a lot of placenta, meaning baby is getting a big ol' connection to my blood supply, this has been said in the same fortnight where had had t come in and out of hospital for collapsing. It isn't regular pregnancy fainting spells, either, I lose my vision, get a fever and pass out followed by violently throwing up - We have been in and out of different health services trying to find out the answers but thus far Doctors seem to think I have bad anaemia brought on or exasperpated by the pregnancy. M blood levels were low at the start but it goes to show its got to the point where baby is literally sucking ALL OF MY blood. Cheeky bugger! Thankfully though, everything is fine on the baby front, all tests on the baby have come back more than positive and he is kicking me now, more than ever. [Sigh]

We have had it also confirmed I am in fact having a boy! - something I always had a feeling I would, but now I can stop panicking about all those baby boy clothes and toys impulsivly purchased.
This news has brought on slight anxieties though, I am worried about raising a boy, I know where I am with a girl, but what if my little boy turns into a macho woman hating man, or worse, ANOTHER GAMER? (like his Father) - I don't think I can take another nerd in the house!
How do I keep the balance between keeping an open mind and remaining vigilant with my own views? I am probably getting really ahead of myself, these things, they have a habit of just buzzing around my head at night. It's all just a part of a bigger problem, that I am getting nervous about actually becoming 'a Mother', being responsible for a person and as well as a unit, being a role model, and entertaining another little soul's imagnation till he becomes an independent person...

On Sunday I have my baby shower, we are having a Mexican theme, as one of my many cravings have been burritos, this hits two nasty birds with one stone, this way the men can make ridiculously hotwraps and smoke cuban cigars whilst the women get on talking about the horrors of childbirth. Hooray.


T-minus 100 days!

We're due our bundle of joy in 100 days, these are the things still left to do (I will highlight items as they become completed):

1 - Have the baby shower. [COMPLETED]
2 - Write up my birth plan.
3 - Complete house hunt. [COMPLETED]
4 - Have the frightening meet up with partner's mother and discuss parenthood [COMPLETED]
5 - Go to Antenatal classes. [COMPLETED]
7 - Learn how to knit (don't just learn how to cast-on then give up).
8 - Sell all the clothes I will no longer be able to fit it/not appropriate for 'motherhood' on eGay. [ONGOING]
9 - Make labour mix tape. It will probably include lots of Brian Eno and none of my partners love for Thin Lizzy.
10 - Agree on a girl's name, just in case it isn't in fact a boy. [COMPLETED]
11 - Move into new place. [ONGOING]
12 - Decorate nursery.
13 - Make plushy toy for child.
14 - Sew a personalised blanket for chid.
14 - Do all that PC muscle stuff. [ONGOING]
15 - Learn how to use and assemble travel system. [COMPLETED]
16 - Have a meeting with midwife over breastfeeding/going back to work. [COMPLETED]
17 - Learn all that crap about sterilisers/powders/warmers, etc. [COMPLETED]
18 - Buy a cot. [COMPLETED]
19 - Apply for maternity grant. [COMPLETED]
20 - Stop worrying!! [ARRGH]


DIY idea!

Found this little picture, thought some of you may like to see it as it would be perfect for a mobile that is non gender specfic. Also, fish are whey under-rated!

Im doing something a bit diferent but am using very similar methods, will post when completed.


Mini Mode

Mini Mode are my favorite high street-big name baby clothing brand, it seems they are to be no more. If it isn't that than they are making massive adjustments to their company.

I like Mini Mode as they make casual normal-looking baby clothes which are also a bit of fun. Most of their designs are vibrant and well made, they are also not too expensive either, which is always a bonus.

This post is intended as a little bit of a heads up really as there are some strange goings on with the company. Mini Mode online is no longer selling direct to the public, which seems rather odd. Boots, their high street retailer has also stopped selling their range from the Boots website. But some good news! - In store in Boots most (pretty much all) of their stock is on sale! They have items that have just come out going for up to 50% off.
This includes toys, blankets gifts and sets. Sounds like yet another company has been hit by the recession.Its a shame Minimode look like they are on thier way out, but it can be made into a bittersweet situation when checking out the new discounted prices.

I got my little un' this little romper suit today (picture left), amongst other things...

My person to be is already following in its mother's footsteps, it already has a bursting wardrobe full of silly items.
